Sunday, 27 January 2013


A few days ago, I came across a new wee something called Lifescouts. 

This is for all those who miss the days of Girl Guides or Scouts, where learning a new skill meant gaining a badge - except, as the name suggests, these badges are awarded for life experiences.

A website has been set up, where a new badge is released everyday, and people are encouraged to reblog, tweet or even share them on Facebook, telling their story about how they achieved the badge. There's even a web store where you can buy your badges in the physical form!

I think this is a really great way to share stories and create a community, and encourage people to go out and experience things. Here's a video from the creator of Lifescouts, Alex Day, in which he explains the concept in a bit more detail. (Excuse his ramblings and tangents)

YouTube channels and tumblr blogs have already been set up, chronicling peoples stories of how they attained their badges. I'm really keen to blog my stories, which I will do on my tumblrI encourage you all to do the same, on whatever social media platform you prefer, or even in the comments to this blog post. 

Here's a sneak peak of all the badges i've achieved so far, stories coming soon

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